In the previous article in this series, we pointed out that every currency trader would have his or her own specific needs in terms of software, broker and currency trading information. In the same way, your currency-trading computer should have a direct correlation to your trading plan. If you are an investor or swing trader, […]
Thanks for the A to Z of Day Trading
Love the site; really as someone hoping to start a career out of day trading, this site really gave me the basic knowledge i needed to know, at first i was all over the web going to a different site to explain each term i somehow read at another site. this was the only site […]
Day Trading Computers – #1 – Needs
This is the first in a series of articles to help you choose the very best day trading computer system for your currency trading. Being a successful day trader is all about having as many edges as possible. One edge that many traders are finding to be an absolute necessity is their day trading computer […]
How To Choose The Best Trading Computer For You
Jordan Peterson, of Custom Trading Computers, Inc. is a well-known expert in custom built high performance computers specifically designed for currency traders. Such computer systems can handle heavy volume trading periods with complete success and without any danger of locking up. Many of our clients have benefited from his advice. We are pleased to announce […]
London Moves Way Ahead Of New York In Currency Trading
A Bloomberg article shows that London, the world’s biggest center for currency trading, increased its lead over New York as in the six months through October 2006. Trading ran at $1.06 trillion a day in London during October, up 6 percent from April. Meanwhile New York shrank 7.5 percent to $534 billion in the same […]
Currenex Acquired By State Street
State Street has announced that it will be acquiring Currenex for around $ 564 million in cash to strengthen its position in electronic forex trading. Currenex connects more than 60 global banks to an electronic trading network. State Street’s current electronic foreign exchange trading platform, FX Connect, is offered to institutional clients. The statement comments […]
Appreciation for the valuable day trading instruction
Thank you for making so much valuable instruction freely available! I’m a musician and teacher, and I’ve always been attracted to the stock market. I am starting with your website. Tristan S.
Thank You, Day Trading Tutor, for the great information for novices
I am not sure my first message went through – your website is precise, impeccable, generous – the way you have presented to novices the absolute must-know basics of the Market are by far surpassing the muffled style of many super expensive trading platforms. I admire and congratulate you for this – in today’s difficult […]
FXLQ and Currenex Day Trading Systems

Yesterday we started testing the live executions on our new, customized trading platform (“Currenex Trading System“). The executions (entry and exit orders) occur on one click; which is much faster than the multiple clicking that’s required when day trading on the MetaTrader (MT4) platform. Unfortunately, we missed the action yesterday morning (London Time) due to […]
Ready For The New Year With Currenex Trading System Too
During the weekend, I was informed that we would be ready to continue trading at FXLQ by today. Today I received an email pushing the start date out to January 20th. I’m pretty upset about this, but at least we are making progress on another front… Live Trading with Currenex Trading System We are already […]